Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

A very happy New Year to all my friends, family, followers, and fans out there!  I hope your 2013 is blessed  and brings you happiness.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Year, New You!

Feeling Fluffed Out From the Holidays?

If this Holiday Season has gotten the best of you, don't fret!  The New Year has classically been a time of year when people make resolutions that they usually don't stick to. 

One of the keys to helping resolutions stick is to make sure that your resolutions are REAL and can be achieved.  Don't go for a number of pounds or inches to loose or even tell yourself that you'll run 5 miles a day.  Choose to make a change in your life that you can sustain, like adding a full serving of vegetables to your lunch and dinner each day or decide to take the stairs up to the office everyday instead of the elevator.  Making a small, achievable change for the better will help you make more small changes in this coming year.

Follow me on Facebook for more tips, inspiration, and awesome photos!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Three Things I'm Obsessed with...for this week!

My Weekly Obsessions


#1.   "Diamonds" by Rhianna (perfect music in my head )

#2.  TV Xmas classic "A Christmas Story" - "Will my tongue get stuck to the pole really???"

#3.  Trader joes frozen basil cubes! Gets me through my weeks of never ending talapia.... 

Oh yeah, they come in garlic, cilantro, chili pepper, and a whole bunch of varieties!

What will my obsessions be next week?  I'll let you know!